Terms and conditions

The following terms and conditions apply in respect of any use of the shop.essentialskillz.com website.

Website content:

The Website Information is provided “as is” and we make no representation, endorsement or warranty as to its accuracy. We will not be liable for any action taken (or not taken) in reliance upon the Website Information and such action is taken entirely at your own risk. We reserve the right to make any changes to the Website Information without notice and without liability to you. External websites to which we provide hypertext links are not under our control and we take no responsibility for them and shall not be liable in any way for their content. We do not accept any responsibility for, or liability in respect of, any information which appears on this website as a result of unauthorised actions.

Permitted Use:

You agree to protect the product from unauthorised use, reproduction, or distribution.

You will notify shop.essentialskillz of any known or suspected unauthorised use including unauthorised use or theft of your log in or registration information.

shop.essentialskillz reserves the right to modify, add or remove content, features and functionality of products at the publisher’s sole discretion.

Access to the service may be interrupted due to routine site maintenance or by actions beyond the control of shop.essentialskillz such as acts of God and equipment failure.

Use of any content provided by third party providers is subject to the terms of relevant providers.

Product and Liability:

shop.essentialskillz will not be liable for any loss of any kind including lost profits or other consequential losses arising from the Customer’s use or inability to use the Product or from errors or deficiencies in any part of it except as expressly provided herein.

It remains the responsibility of the Customer to ensure that any course purchased in our website is appropriate and complete in all respects for its intended purpose. shop.essentialskillz gives no warranty that such material will be fit for its intended purpose.

No liability shall attach to shop.essentialskillz for loss or damage of any nature suffered as a result of the use of the Product or for any errors or omissions in the contents of any forms or documents.

The Customer acknowledges that the information provided by shop.essentialskillz are not intended to replace legal or other professional advice and that shop.essentialskillzz strongly advises that such advice be sought in all cases where such advice is necessary or appropriate and particularly in any circumstances where the customer is in any way unsure about the legal aspects of a document or related matters.


When purchasing our courses, you are purchasing access to the content for the period of time specified on the product page, and by placing your order you agree to access the content within the specified timeframe from the date of your order.

Unless otherwise specified on the product page, access to courses is for 30 days from the date of order.

During the access period for courses you can complete the course and take the end of course test. On successful completion of the test you can download a course certificate which you can download and keep for as long as you require. Course certificates should be renewed annually.

Access is usually immediate following your order (within 30 minutes). If you have any problems accessing your content after completing your order, there may be a short delay while your payment is processed, please contact us for assistance. Where you access is delayed, orders are usually processed within one working day, and your access period will start from the time your payment is processed and you have full access to your ordered content.


The entire contents of the website, and content purchased or downloaded are protected by copyright, unless otherwise indicated. Full-scale copying of content is expressly prohibited. You may not remove our copyright information. You may not remove, delete, transmit or create derivative works from any of the content provided. All interfaces, look and feel, navigation schemes, designs and program features and function of the contents of the website and documents provided are the property of shop.essentialskillzand may not be copied or reproduced or used in derivative works.

Refund and return policies:

Digital content purchased from us is returnable within 2 days unless the course has been started by a user. If you’re having trouble opening or reading your purchase, please contact us for technical assistance. We offer screenshots and previews available prior to purchase.

Law and Jurisdiction:

This Agreement is governed by the laws of ROI. Any dispute relating to this Agreement shall fall within that jurisdiction.

Legal obligations:

The website and courses provided are offered without legal liability or responsibility on the part of the authors, the publishers, the distributor or anyone else involved in its production. Information is provided on the basis of no liability for the information given. In no event shall we be liable to you for any direct or indirect or consequential loss, loss of profit, revenue or goodwill arising from your use of our courses or information on our websites. All implied terms are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.


We take your trust and privacy very seriously and therefore aim to process as little personal data as necessary. We won’t sell your personal data to third or affiliate parties or share it with anyone – ever. Read our full Privacy Policy for more details.


Whilst this site has been compiled in good faith, shop.essentialskillz make no warranty or representation to you that the use of this website by you will be uninterrupted or error free or that this site or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or bugs. We and all other web publishers have limited control over the Internet, which is a global public network of computers and the method by which you access this website. As a consequence and in common with most web publishers we take no responsibility for service interruption or the transmission of viruses or other malicious computer code through this website, however we do take security seriously and take reasonable steps to protect the security of this website